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Term 1 we read Anglo-Saxon Boy by Tony Bradman. This book was chosen to support and engage the children's understanding of the historical period. The children get to meet Tony Bradman (virtually) and ask him questions about his books and being an author.


We are authors. 

The children plan  and write non-chronological reports based on their learning in  History- Sutton Hoo. 


Term 2 we read Curiosity Mars Rover   (read along.)

Term 3 we read Survivors by David Long/ Kery Hyndman.

Term 4 we read Clockwork by Philip Pullman 

Term 5 we read Oh Maya God by Maz Evans.

Term 6 we read Holes by Louis Sachar. 

We are scientists ..

The children explored and learnt about the properties of materials.  They investigated the materials and their  properties and planned experiments to test materials eg which material would be best for a coat. 

 Term 2 we explored forces. We learnt how to identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between the moving surfaces.  We explored force meters and measured force in newtons. We looked for patterns in our experiments.

Term 5 - Year 5 are learning about ‘Changing materials’. The children carried out two experiments. The first experiment was set up for them and involved observing how quickly or slowly sugar dissolved into water, leaving a solution. They then had the task of carrying out the experiment again but changing a variable to make sure it was a fair test. Here is a list of changes the children decided on: amount of sugar, type of sugar, amount of water and temperature of water. The children recorded their observations on a table and analysed the results. Finally, they compared their predictions from the start of the experiment.




We are designers. 

We children learn about structures and bridges. They learnt about arch and beam bridges and how to reinforce a beam to improve its strength. They  explored Truss bridges, building our own and refining the design and evaluating the products. 

Term 2 we are reading Curiosity Mars Rover to enhance our Science learning regarding Space. 

'Discover the incredible story of the search for life on Mars, told from the unique perspective of Curiosity, the Mars Rover sent to explore the red planet. Markus Motum's stylish illustrations and diagrams reveal how a robot travelled 350,000,000 miles to explore a planet where no human has ever been' 


We are readers 

Year 5 had the reading dogs to encourage reading at home .