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Breakfast Club

Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 24

Children have the right to good quality health care, to clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that they will stay healthy.

Since the inception of Breakfast Club some 10 years ago, we have managed to keep the price to a very reasonable level and there have been NO increases during that time.

However, the time has come when the school can no longer absorb the cost increases of food and staffing.

It is with regret the Members of the Academy Trust have had to take the decision to increase the cost of Breakfast Club to £3.20 per child per day. There will be no reduction in cost for siblings.

For pupils registered as ‘Pupil Premium’ the cost will be £2.20 per child per day. For more details of Pupil Premium see ‘Pupil Premium’ under the Key Information tab.

Our breakfast club provides a safe and happy environment before the school day starts.

Breakfast club opens at 7.45am and doors shut at 8.15am. We serve breakfast between these times. We serve cereals, toast with a variety of jams and spreads and a variety of juices. The children also have the option of fruit.

Once tidied up we have a range of activities for the children. These include art & craft, board games, Lego plus more. If it’s nice we go outside or in the gym and do group activities. 2 - 3 times a week we all have circle time and either play games or talk about what we have done or enjoyed doing.

Children who attend breakfast club are expected to follow the school’s behaviour policy. Any child who arrives before 7.45am must be supervised by their parent/carer until the door opens at 7.45am.