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Term 1 is  a very busy term. Children settle well, and learn new routines and engage in exciting opportunities. Look at some of the photograph albums on the right of this page. 


We are Severnbanks Citizens. We start school, and together we create our own class charter. We agree rules and how we learn at school.



The children use mapping skills and follow Rosie's Walk.  We are Geographers. 

       . They draw maps!


Going on a BEAR HUNT! We follow clues, discuss and use our words to find the bears. We are not  scared!!! We are explorers. We are speakers and listeners. 



 Maths Mark Making  - We are mathematicians 


Morning Activities  - We are successful learners

We are busy from the time we set foot in the setting. What fun we have. 



Reading and sharing books - We are readers

The books chosen to read to the children are carefully selected to enhance their learning and help them make connections. 

Books that are read and focussed on in Starlets:   Nursery Rhymes, Rosie's Walk, We're Going on a Bear Hunt, The Little Red Hen. 


Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Polar Bear Polar Bear are the focus text for term 2. 


Goldilocks and the three bears will continue to be one of our focused texts for term 3.  The children will be making and tasting porridge, measuring bears, drawing and painting bears using water colours.

This term they will be reading Dear Zoo and Handa’s hen.


Dear Zoo story link     Handa's Hen Story Link


The Hungry Caterpillar, Oliver's Vegetables and Jasper Beanstalk are the chosen texts for Term 4. 


We will be discussing the text and be able to recall these stories. Children will sing songs and learn rhymes. They will continue to make mark and learn lots about shapes. As part of understanding the world, the children will learn about St Davis' Day and Wales. They will focus on spring and planting seeds-learning how to care for seedlings, how to care for their environment and other living creatures. 

Starlets are reading Bright Stanley, Castles and Sharing a Shell. These books will support the learning and exploring around seasides and the creatures that live there. 



Investigating and planting seeds. We are Scientists 



We also learn parts of a flower. 


Making Cheese Biscuits - We are Designers   


 We look at how Chinese New Year is celebrated-tasting different foods, using different tools eg chopsticks, looking at lanterns, fortune cookies and much more. 


Music and movement - being physical and active-travelling, balancing, climbing, pulling, pushing and jumping. We are Gymnasts 



Writing our names. 


The children were reading these books in term 5... 



Mr Gumpy’s Outing, Runaway Train and Zoom Rocket Zoom.  These books enhance the learning about the topic of transport. 


Term 6 we read Sandcastle, Sharing a Shell and Bright Stanley.