At Severnbanks, we believe that assessment is an essential tool for understanding and supporting our students' progress. Our approach to assessment in the foundation subjects is detailed below. It outlines our methods for tracking and monitoring progress and children's retention of knowledge over time.
Our Approach to assessing the retention of knowledge within the foundation subjects:
• Ongoing questioning is used to support teacher’s assessment of learning within lessons; this is used to inform future teaching.
• Retrieval is built into all lessons (in addition to our morning daily retrieval time). This is used to support the retention of knowledge as well as assess gaps in learning which can be addressed through re-teaching.
• End of unit assessment quizzes assessments are used to support teacher’s summative assessments. (KAPOW subjects)
• End of unit tasks such as writing outcomes and oracy outcomes (e.g. presentations) are used for children to demonstrate their applications of knowledge.
• Sticky knowledge sessions are used for teachers to recap core knowledge and assess pupils’ retrieval strength over time.
• Circle maps in their Journey through are used at the start of each term. These help teachers to assess prior knowledge which will inform the teaching sequence.
- Circle maps added to at the end of a topic, unit of work. What have the children learnt?
• Summative assessments are inputted onto INSIGHT. Subject leaders evaluate this to inform their subject action plans.
• Teachers evaluate summative assessments which helps to identify gaps in learning and next steps.