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Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 28

All Children and young people have a right to a primary education, which should be free. Wealthy countries should help poorer countries achieve this. Discipline in schools should respect children's human dignity. Young people should be encouraged to reach the highest level of education they are capable of."

If you are moving into the school's catchment area and have a primary age child or children, you will need to complete the in-year application form. The form is available for download on the link below and should be returned to the school. The school's admission number for each year is 30; if the relevant year group is full, then your child's name will be added to the school waiting list at your request on completion of a Waiting List application form. The Waiting List application form will be sent with the response to your In-Year Application form if the year group is full. The current Admissions Policy  is available by clicking on the link below.